
Acacia Lodge No. 16 Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons

"The Greatest Little Lodge in the Commonwealth of Virginia"

7135 Main Street Clifton Virginia 20124

Stated communication 1st Thursday, starting with a meal at 6:30pm. Meeting at 7:30pm.

Acacia Lodge No. 16 A.F. & A.M. was Chartered December 11, 1877 by The Grand Lodge Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons of Virginia, it is in Masonic District No. 4, and located in the historic Town of Clifton in Fairfax County Virginia.

Acacia is a good old country Masonic Lodge, it might even be called a railroad Lodge by some, one that you would be proud to be a member of. We are a rather laid-back Lodge, and welcome you to come to Lodge dressed as you feel comfortable (even shorts and Hawaiian shirts in summer months).

Built in the circa 1870's Acacia Lodge is a historical landmark listed with the Department of Interior since 1985.

Acacia's motto is "The Greatest Little Lodge in the Commonwealth of Virginia."

Stated communications (monthly business meetings) are held each month on the 1st Thursday starting with a dinner and social hour at 6:30pm. The business meeting starts at 7:30pm. Non-Masons and Masons alike are welcome for dinner.

Called communications (special meetings) take place several times throughout the year, primarily for the purpose of conducting Masonic degree work (initiating new members,) and regularly scheduled ritual practice. See the Calendar

The first floor and restrooms are Handicap accessible.  There is a accessible ramp from the parking to the dinning hall, and restrooms on the 1st floor that are accessible. In 2025 an elevator was installed, the Lodge room on the 2nd floor is now accessible.

Parking is in our gravel parking lot, overflow parking is in the adjacent gravel parking lot and the paved parking lot of the restaurant across the street. All parking is free and a very short walking distance.

Acacia Lodge as all modern conveniences:

Acacia is very community oriented and participates in severail of the Town of Clifton events.

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