History 100 Years
Acacia Lodge No. 16 Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons
"The Greatest Little Lodge in the Commonwealth of Virginia"
7135 Main Street Clifton Virginia 20124
Stated communication 1st Thursday, starting with a meal at 6:30pm. Meeting at 7:30pm.
The 100 YEAR HISTORY Book.
Chartered December 11, 1877
DECEMBER 19, 1977
NO. 16
A.F. & A.M.
1877 - 1977
In 2002 we celebrated our 125th year.
The man with glasses standing in the back row is my father, James W. Maley from Centreville, Va. Ruth E. Maley-Kemp
08-06-12 added names emailed to me by Tom Robinson. Brother Baumbach..... I am a member of Acacia Lodge and was looking at the website. If it would be of interest and helpful I can identify the men in the 1977 anniversary year officer picture. I was honored to be included in the picture.
Front row l to r: John Frederick Sec. PM PDDGM, Mynor McIntyre WM, Carlos Perry Jr. Warden.
Middle row l to r: Stewart Buckley Sr. Deacon, Thomas Robinson Jr. Deacon, Douglas Detwiler Chap.
Back row l to r: James Maley Tres. PM PDDGM, Roy Campbell PM.
The Grand Master’s message and that of our District Deputy Grand Master are addressed to the subject of Acacia Lodge’s contributions to Masonry at the State and District levels. The message of your Master is pointed toward symbolic lodge considerations.
In the local or symbolic lodge, we are prone to think in terms of our own length of membership and the contributions made by the members with whom we have been associated. Yet, when the question is asked how or why we have been an active Lodge for 100 years, each can be trusted to acknowledge that much must be credited to those Masons who now attend the celestial lodge above; those who now reside in geographical areas far beyond the commuting area; Past Masters and Past District Deputy Grand Masters; and those of other lodges, each of whom has over the years supported, contributed and participated in Acacia Lodge’s history.
The one year that I have been privileged to be the Worshipful Master of Acacia Lodge is in itself insignificant when considered in its relationship to the total time in a century. However, just as each part of a circle is part of the whole, so each year since 1877 has been a vital component in a century of being. The individual contribution of each member of Acacia Lodge who petitioned the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Virginia for a Charter to those whose names are being entered into our membership records for 1977—each must be credited with keeping our lodge alive and active.
Each member who enters the Lodge hail through the door and each candidate who enters through the West Gate from 11 December 1877 to 11 December 2077 shall, through his dedication to Masonry, contribute to Acacia Lodge #16 and upholding the excellent tenets of the institution, assure Acacia Lodge reaching its 200th anniversary.
So Mote It Be
Worshipful Master
P.O. Box 188 Pennington Gap, VA. 24277
Acacia Lodge No. 16
It is with Pleasure that I greet you, my brethren of Acacia Lodge No. 16, on your 100th Anniversary. I know by your works and aspirations which I share, and I sincerely applaud the breadth and diversity of your interests. Through your good offices the cause of brotherhood will continue to advance.
I am grateful for the generous support from the brethren of Acacia Lodge over the past century. By virtue of your contributions alone, we have been enabled to launch into a new area of service.
It is by such efforts that we build the future, and as Acacia Lodge steps off in the second century along with Grand Lodge into their third, I am sure you will be counted among the leaders of the craft.
It is out of such thoughts that my theme for the year—Today is the Threshold of Tomorrow—evolved. Under it we have labored together to shore up foundations of the spirit on which peace, promise and prosperity must rest.
My brethren build for tomorrow—today! Good luck and God bless you, one and all.
133 Grand Master
On behalf of all the Brethren of the 58th Masonic District of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Virginia, I bring you Fraternal greetings on the completion of one hundred years of service to God, your neighbors and to the craft.
The fellowship and friendship of Acacia Lodge can always be counted upon, not only within your Lodge but elsewhere within the Masonic District.
As your Lodge now begins its second century, may it continue to be an inspiration to the other younger Lodges in the Masonic District and the Grand Lodge
May the Blessings of the Supreme Architect of the Universe be always upon your Lodge as it continues its service to the craft into the next hundred years.
District Deputy Grand Master
for the 58th Masonic District
The need for an early start on a compilation of a Lodge history was foreseen by Worshipful Richard L. Wells. In 1975 he appointed a Historical Committee and commissioned them to record the major events occurring during the first 100 years of our Charter existence. And the Worshipful Masters for 1976 and 1977 concurred with him and directed the committee to continue their research and recording. Further, to print sufficient copies of their work for appropriate distribution.
This printed compilation was derived from past written records, oral contributions by members, past and present, and many hours of effort by the staff of ladies who assisted in the preparation and Bro. Norman Miller, who designed and did the preparation and printing. Without their capable assistance your committee commissioned for the purpose of a history compilation would not have succeeded.
It is recognized that a 100 years of Masonic activity requires individual contributions by many many members and devoted service by each officer. However, human records and memories cannot recall the names of all those who did indeed keep masonry alive in Clifton and Acacia Lodge for a century, therefore to those living and to the memory of those in the celestial lodge above omission in this history are unintentional and we are sure, are compensated for by the individual satisfaction lodged in faithful breasts of those who have given life to Acacia Lodge by living a Masonic Life.
01-08-2007 Worshipful W. Clesson McDonald Jr. Past Master of Henry Lodge No. 57 emailed me a typed written version of the below script written documents. They are the original Petition and supporting documents sent to the Grand Lodge of Virginia requesting a Charter to start a new Lodge, Acacia Lodge No. 16 in Clifton Station Virginia dated 1875.
Clifton Va
March 10th 75
John Dove Esq
G. Sec G L AF & AM
See enclosed Petition for Dispensation to Start a Lodge at this place. Also twenty five dollars fee for same. Please give this Matter your earliest attention and oblige
Yours Fraternally
John Y. Worthington
Clifton Sta
Fairfax Co
(Next document)
To the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and accepted Masons of the State of Virginia.
We the undersigned being Master Masons of good Standing, and having the best interest of the Craft at heart are anxious to exert our best endeavors to promote and diffuse the genuine principles of Free Masonry and for the convenience of our respected Dwellings and other good reasons, for our Assurance of forming a New Lodge at Clifton in the County of Fairfax to be named Acacia We therefore respectfully pray For a dispensation empowering us to open and hold a regular Lodge at Clifton and therein to discharge the duties of Ancient York Masonry in a Constitutional Manner according to the forms of the order and the Laws of the Grand Lodge, and to have nominated and do recommend Worshipful Brother John Y. Worthington to be the first Master, Worshipful Brother Geo P Wright to be the First Senior Warden and Brother Thomas Burke to be the first junior Warden of the said Lodge. Should the prayers of the Petitioners be granted we promises a strict conformity to all the regulations of Masonry and the laws, resolutions and edicts of the Grand Lodge.
(Next Document)
Names Names
W S Kerns
D F Buckley
J. W. Ashford
Egan Hickey
H H Westall?
Geo. P. Wright
T. T. Burke
R. H. Butler
John. Y. Worthington
Frank Wooster
Cecil B. Dussell
We the officers and members of Manasseh Lodge No. 182, do heartily cheerfully vouch for the Masonic and Moral qualifications of the petitioners for a Charter of a Lodge at Clifton in the County of Fairfax and do recommend their petition to the Venerable Consideration of the M Wor. Grand Master Wor. E. L Groumb, Secty Manasseh Lodge No. 182
(Printed sideways)
Alex Va Mar. 6/76
Approve and respectfully
forward to the Most
Wor. Grand Master
After due consideration
conclude that the forma-
tion of a lodge at Clifton
“Will not materially affect
the peace and prosperity of
any existing Lodge” –
There are living in
proximity around
Clifton a considerable
number of Masons who
owing to the inconvinces
& expenses, can rarely
attend other lodges at Fairfax
CH, nor can they for the same
reason attend Manasseh Lodge
& for the convenience of their
brethren and my belief in their
ability to build up a flourishing
Lodge finds pleasure in referring
this new application
Joseph Hopkins
D. D. G. M. District 58.
The writings of these documents have been retyped in the text above on 01-08-2007 by Worshipful W. Clesson McDonald Jr. Past Master of Henry Lodge No. 57
1876 - John Y. Worthington
1877 - George P. Wright
1878 - George P. Wright
1879 - George P. Wright
1880 - George P. Wright
1881 - George P. Wright
1882 - Frank Wooster
1883 - L. Makley
1884 - T. T. Burke
1885 - T. T. Burke
1886 - George P. Wright
1887 - George P. Wright
1888 - George P. Wright
1889 - George P. Wright
1890- George P. Wright
1891 - George P. Wright
1892 - George P. Wright
1893 - George P. Wright
1894 - George P. Wright
1895 - R. it Buckley
1896 - A. J. Kidwell
1897 - C. H. Ford
1898 - A. J. Kidwell
1899 - W. H. Clark
1900 - Ellis Davis
1901 - W. H. Clark
1902 - C. H. Ford
1903 - A. J. Kidwell
1904 - A. J. Kidwell
1905 - A. J. Kidwell
1906 - S. Ellis Davis
1907 - A. J. Kidwell
1908 - James U. Kincheloe
1909 - James U. Kincheloe
1910 - F. L. Ford
1911 - F. L. Ford
1912 - James U. Kincheloe
1913 - A. J. Kidwell
1914 - A. J. Kidwell
1915 - James U. Kincheloe
1916 - N. C. Davis
1917 - A. J. Kidwell
1918 - E. G. Taylor
1919 - A. J. Kidwell
1920 - A. J. Kidwell
1921 . A. J. Kidwell
1922 - R. W. Ford
1923 - L. D. Quigg
1924 - R. W. Ford
1925 - George E. Kidwell
1926 . J. B. Cross
1927 - James U. Kincheloe
1928 - Howard J. West
1929 - Charles R. Buckley
1930- Robert W. Ford
1931 - Howard J. West
1932 - Howard J. West
1933 - Winfield A. Clinton
1934 - John M. Detwiler
1935 - Richard R. Buckley, Jr.
1936 - Ernest R. Elgin
1937 - John M. Detwiler
1938 - Roy S. Kincheloe
1939 - William C. Harrison
1940 - John M. Detwiler
1941 - Winfield A. Clinton
1942 - Maurice W. Davis
1943 - David S. Goodson
1944 - Winfield A. Clinton
1945 - 1. L. Buckley
1946 - James C. Ambler
1947 - Edgar W. Thomasson
1948 - Edgar W. Thomasson
1949 - C. H. Wine
1950 - Howard V. Hamm
1951 - Harry E. Riggles
1952 - Harry E. Riggles
1953 - C. H. Wine
1954 - Lloyd B. Taylor
1955 - George W. LaDue
1956- John M. Ramey
1957 . Robert W. Darr
1958 - Thomas 0. Clore
1959 - Francis W. Parker
1960 - William W. Prentice
1961 - James W. Maley
1962 - John W. North
1963 . James W. Maley
1964 - Alvin F. Seebode
1965 - John E. Doneghy
1966 - Archie P. Lyons
1967 - Gerald R. Bee
1968 - Gerald R. Bee
1969 - Herbert L. Martin
1970- John E. Frederick
1971 - Gary K. Stout
1972 - Harold H. Artz
1973 - James W. Maley
1974 - Oakley C. Wolfe
1975 - Richard L. Wells
1976- Roy E. Campbell
1977 - Mynor F. McIntyre
Added to 100 year list 05-06-06
1978 - Mynor F. McIntyre
1979 – Stewart Irvin Buckley, Sr.
1980 – Carlos V. Perry
1981 – Thomas Elbert Hatcher
1982 – Edgar Oma Smith
1983 – Cecil David Facemire
1984 - Roy E. Cambell
1985 – Roland Wayne Brendel
1986 – James Gordon Kincheloe, Jr.
1987 – James Gordon Kincheloe, Jr.
1988 – Wilbur Manly Skidmore, II
1989 – James Gordon Kincheloe, Jr.
1990 – William Charles May
1991 – David Diamantes
1992 – Joseph E. Bertoni
1993 – David Stephen Potter
1994 – William Aalfred Tetrault
1995 – Dean Matthew Resch
1996 – Robert E. Healey
1996 – John Spencer Lusk, Sr. pro-term
1997 – John Spencer Lusk, Sr.
1998 – John Spencer Lusk, Sr.
1999 – Russell Lamont Williams
2000 – Clifton Ernest Mays
2001 – Leonard Geoffery Mick
2002 – David Carroll Morris
2003 – Troy Sanders Payne, Jr.
2004 – Luis Pages
2005 – George Richard May
2006 – Scott Ross Call
2007 – Jon Vernon Shelton
2008 – David Ray Hill
2009 – Joseph Justin Jones
2010 –John "Brant" Brantley Baber
2011 – Robert "Bobby" Wayne New, Jr.
2012 – Scott Christopher Springer
2013 – Arsenio Cabañas Jr.
2014 – Larry D. Parks
2015 – Dwight A. "Nick" Nichols
2016 – James C. Love, V
2017 – Jason Michael Richards
2018 – Joseph Robert Furtek
2019 – Robert Wayne New, Jr.
2020 – Scott Christopher Springer, PM
2021 –
2022 –
2023 –
2024 –
2025 –
2026 –
John Y. Worthington
George P. Wright
Leander Makley
T. T. Burke
W. E. Ford
H. D. Rice
James W. Ashford
R. H. Butler
J. P. Woodyard
W. S. Kerns
Cyrus Hickey
Rueben Wright
James F. Buckley
Frank Wooster
John Y. Worthington
George P. Wright
Leander Makley
T. T. Burke
W. E. Ford
H. D. Rice
James W. Ashford
R. H. Butler
J. P. Woodyard
W. S. Kerns
Cyrus Hickey
Rueben Wright
James F. Buckley
Frank Wooster
Cecil B. Durrett
W. H. Utterback
06-05-09 add this info from GL records... There is a Lodge at Fairfax Court House named Henry Lodge No. 57 chartered in 1869. Thank goodness for the early record keepers at Grand Lodge of VA! There is a card on file for James F. Buckley who was raised in Henry Lodge No. 57 on July 5, 1871. He withdrew from the Lodge on November 13, 1878. Also seven other members of Henry Lodge became members of Acacia Lodge No. 16 - George P. Wright, Thomas T. Burks(e), W.S. Kerns, J.W. Ashford, R.H. Butler, J.P.(one place has Z.P.) Woodyard, and Frank Wooster. These names appear on the first full rosters of Acacia Lodge in the 1878 Grand Lodge of Virginia Proceedings.
1877 - 1922
1934 -Present (1977)
1977-Present (2000) not in book I added this.
The Patriot Lodge No. 1957 Chartered 2011 (added 04-30-14)
November 2018 Herndon Lodge No. 264 was moved to District No. 2 and Cochran Lodge No. 271` was moved from District No. 3 to District No. 4
1894 - George P. Wright
1954 - Charles A. Sinclair, Jr.
1921 - A. J. Kidwell
1965 - George E. Kidwell
1941 - R.W.Ford
1970 - John Doneghy
1946- E. G. Taylor
1971 - R. R. Buckley
1947- C. H. Wine
1972 - John M. Detwiler
1948 - S. E. Davis
1973 - Al Rehrig
1949 - C.T.Kidwell
1975 - Ernest R.Elgin
1953 - J. R. Simpson
1976 -Fred Ladue
1956- Claude T. Kidwell
1937 - Robert R. Buckley
1956 - A. F. Ruff
1945 - D. W:Buckley
1961 - C. V. Mathers
1945 - A. J. Kidwell
1965 - George E. Kidwell
1946 - C. T. Kidwell
1969 - W. S. Elgin
1947 - C.HFord
1972- JohnM.Detwiler
1947 - S.E.Davis
1975- Ernest R.Elgin
1953 - J. R. Simpson
1976 - Fred Ladue
Inscription on Rt. Wor. George P. Wright’s Headstone
In the year 1877 he was Worshipful Master of three Masonic Lodges at the same time, Acacia 16, Henry 57, and Manasseh 182. In the year 1884 he was made District Deputy Grand Master of District No. 1.
He was ever ready to sacrifice for
Erected by Brethren and Admirers
The inscription appearing on the headstone on Rt. Wor. George P. Wright’s place of interment verifies the Lodge records and his individual devotion to Masonry. Because of his being our first duly elected Worshipful Master it seems in order to include his Masonic history in these records.
Rt. Wor. Wright was born in New York City in 1826 and journeyed to Virginia during the civil war. He was initiated, as the second known candidate, in Henry Lodge No. 57 on 22 March 1869, passed on 5 April and raised on 19 April of the same year. He served 4 terms as Master of Henry Lodge in 1872, 1873, 1874 and 1877. The latter term of office is verified by demits containing his signature which are laid up among the archives of our Lodge (Acacia #16).
Rt. Wor. Wright was appointed Master of Manasseh Lodge #182 on 10 Feb. 1875 when that Lodge located in Manassas, Virginia was working under a dispensation, granted by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Virginia. Following the chartering of Manasseh Lodge on 15 December 1875 George P. Wright was installed as Wor. Master by Rt. Wor. John Y. Worthington District Deputy Grand Master for the 1st Masonic District.
Rt. Wor. Wright was one of the signers on the petition to grant a dispensation for Acacia Lodge. Further, he was a charter member of this lodge and appointed Sr. Warden during the period of dispensation. Following, Acacia being granted on 11 December 1877, George P. Wright was duly elected, unanimously, to the office of Wor. Master and occupied the oriental chair until 1881. In 1884 he became D. D. G. M. for District #1. After serving distinction in this office he served again as Wor. Master of Acacia Lodge from 1886 until 1894.
In Consideration of his service to Acacia Lodge and his inflexible fidelity to his Masonic trust, the lodge bestowed upon him the privilege of being its first honorary member.
It is interesting to note that his final resting place adjoins that of Rt. Wor. A. J. Kidwell who was also devoted to the Fraternity and devoted considerable energy towards the advancement of Masonry through Acacia Lodge activities.
1884 - George P. Wright
1889 - A. G. Coumbe
1904 - C. B. Marshall
1922 - A. J. Kidwell
1928 - James U. Kincheloe
1933 - E. G. Taylor
1937 - Robert R. Buckley
1942 - Richard R. Buckley
1946 - W. A. Clinton
1960 - Robert W. Darr
1965 - William W. Prentice
1970 - James W. Maley
1975 - John E. Frederick, Sr.
Chartered December 11, 1877
From the initial correspondence we can assume that on March 10, 1875, Worshipful Brother John Y. Worthington sent a letter along with a $25.00 fee asking the Grand Lodge for dispensation to start a lodge at Clifton Station, that would be known as Acacia Lodge.
The original petition contained the signatures of 16 Master Masons in good standing and with Manasseh Lodge No. 182 cheerfully vouching for the Masonic and moral qualifications of the petitioners, they recommended favorable consideration. In March 1876 from Alexandria, Virginia, at that time we were in the First District. Joseph Hopkins D.
D. P. M. #1 district wrote that because of these men making their residence in and around Clifton Station, it was a hardship of having to travel to Henry #57 in Fairfax Court House and Manasseh #182 at Manassas, Va., and made it impossible to attend lodge and it was his belief that a new lodge could be built up and become a flourishing lodge.
Under a dispensation issued on March 11, 5876AL-1876 A.D. by most Worshipful Wm. B. Taliafenno, Grant Master of Masons in Va., appointing Worshipful Brother J. Y. Worthington, Master; Brother George P. Wright, Senior Warden; Brother T. T. Burke, Jr. Warden; the first regular communication of Acacia Lodge was held in their hall on March 24, AL5876-AD1876.
A Master Mason lodge opened in due and ancient form for dispatch of business. The following brethren were appointed to fill the various offices. W. E. Ford, Treasurer; H. D. Rice, Secretary; James W. Ashford, Senior Deacon; R. H. Butler, Jr., Deacon; J. P. Woodyard, Tyler and J. R. Buckley and W. S. Kearns were appointed Stewards.
The first petitioners, George W. Marshall and Joseph F. Anderson were read and laid over under the rules. Motions were made and ordered that the regulat communication be held on: the Second and Fourth Monday of each month. On motion, fee for initiation was set at $10.00 and passing $5.00, raising $5.00.
On motion of Brother Makley a vote of Thanks was tendered to Brother J. W. Ashford for the handsome alter donated to this lodge.
On April 24, AL5876-AD1876 at the regular communication held in their hail, W. F. Makley petitioned and was laid over. Petitions of George W. Marshall and Joseph F. Anderson having laid over for the necessary time a ballot was circulated and in each case and came up clear.
Master Mason’s lodge was then dispensed with and an Entered Apprentice lodge was opened for work and instruction. Mr. George W. Marshall and Joseph F. Anderson were introduced separately and initiated, thus becoming the first Enter Apprentice’s in our lodge.
On May 8, AL5876-AD1 876 at a regular communication Master Masons lodge was dispensed with and an Enter Apprentice lodge was opened for work and instruction and Brother J. F. Anderson was examined as to his masonic proficiency. Enter Apprentice lodge was closed and Master Mason lodge resumed labor. A Ballot was taken on his moral fitness $ and again on his masonic proficiency both of which being fair he was declared duly elected a receive the Fellow Craft degree.
Master Mason’s lodge was again dispensed with and a Fellow Craft lodge was opened for work and instruction and Brother J. F. Anderson was introduced and passed to the 2nd degree in Masonry, according to ancient form and ceremonies. Thus becoming the first fellow craft in our lodge. This was the last meeting Worshipful John Worthington attended.
On May 22, AL5876-AD1876 at a regular communication Master Mason lodge was opened and dispensed with a Fellow Craft lodge opened for work and instruction. Brother J. F. Anderson, a regularly initiated Entered Apprentice and having been passed to the 2nd degree of Masonry in this lodge, was examined in open lodge. Fellow Craft lodge was closed and work resumed in Master Mason Lodge. Ballots were taken on moral qualification and Masonic proficiency of Brother J. F. Anderson, both being for he was declared elected to receive the 3rd degree in Masonry and was introduced and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason thus becoming the first Master Mason raised in our lodge.
At a regular communication on June 12, 1876, Brother H.D. Rice made his last visit and the Secretary position was Pro Tem until the Nov. 12, 1876, meeting when Brother L. Quigg was appointed Secretary.
At the stated communication on Nov. 12, 1876, Brother George P. Wright was appointed to represent this lodge at Grand Lodge and ask for further continuation of the dispensation under which this lodge was working.
At the January 8, 1877, Stated Communication Brother J. P. Woodyard resigned Tyler and J. F. Anderson was appointed to replace him.
At the regular Stated Communication on November 26, 1877, on motion it was resolved to change the stationed officers, Worshipful Master and Senior Warden, Brother George P. Wright was recommended for Worshipful Master and Brother L. Makley for Senior Warden.
On motion Brother George P. Wright was requested to represent Acacia Lodge at the Grand Lodge and present our claims for a charter.
On December 11, AL5877-AD1877 Grand Master Beverly Randoldf Wellford granted the Charter and appointed George P. Wright, Master; Leander Makley, Senior Warden, and Thomas T. Burke, Jr. Warden.
At a Stated Communication of Acacia Lodge No. 16 AF & AM held in their hail at Clifton Station, Va., January 14, AD1878-AL5878.
George P. Wright, W.M.
L. Makley, Senior Warden
T. T. Burke, Jr. Warden
W. E. Ford, Treasurer
J. W. Ashford, Secretary
W. S. Kerns, Senior Deacon
R. H. Butler, Jr., Deacon
George W. Marshall, Steward
James F. Buckley, Steward
Joseph F. Anderson, Tyler
Master Mason - Cyrus Hickeey
A lodge was opened on the third degree of Masonry in due and ancient form, District Deputy Grand Master John B. Smoot of Alexandria, Washington lodge No. 22, having opened a lodge on the 3rd degree of Masonry in due and ancient form with Worshipful Brother J. F. Beckkam of Alexandria, Washington, No. 22, Senior Warden; Worshipful Brother E. E. Dunnham of Andrew Jackson lodge No. 120, Jr. Warden; Worshipful Brother H. D. Smoot of Andrew Jackson No. 120, Treasurer; Brother Chas. E. Steward of Alexandria. Washington lodge No. 122, Secretary; Brother F. D. Wood of Andrew Jackson lodge 120, Senior Deacon; Brother G. W. Carlins, Andrew Jackson lodge No. 120, Junior Deacon.
Brother F. F. Marburg of Alexandria - Washington lodge No. 122, Tyler; Worshipful Brother F. A. Reed of Andrew Jackson No. 120, Marshall and Chaplin.
The Grand Lodge then entered the Hall of Acacia Lodge No. 16, and was received by the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden and Brethren with the Grand Honors. The Grand Lodge then filled the chairs of the lodge and a dispensations and charter to Acacia Lodge No. 16 from the Grand Lodge of Virginia was then presented. The Grand Lodge was then called off. The lodge on 3rd degree of Masonry was again called on and Acacia Lodge No. 16 presented for installation.
Worshipful Brother George P. Wright,
Worshipful Master
Worshipful Brother Leander Makley,
Senior Warden
Worshipful Brother John 1. Burke,
Jr. Warden
These officers were then installed respectively in due and ancient form. Acacia Lodge No. 16 was then constituted in accordance with the Laws of the Grand Lodge of Virginia. Brethren W. E. Ford, Treasurer; J. W. Ashford, Secretary; W. S. Kerns, Sr. Deacon; R. H. Butler, Jr. Deacon; James J. Buckley and George Marshall, Stewards; Joseph F. Anderson, Tyler, were then presented and installed in their respective offices. The Grand Lodge then retired from the Hall and nothing further appearing for the good of Masonry, the lodge closed in due and ancient form and harmony at 10 P.M.
Now that we had become a constituted Lodge we looked forward into the future to find that history has not been kind to us in the form of accurate records. From this we hope that now and in the future our records will be more precise and define details, by this, we refer to the minutes where as at every opening we find "at a Stated or Called. Communication of Acacia Lodge held in their hall at Clifton Station Virginia." This statement no matter how minute at the time tells future generations nothing about the location. We know that various places were used, store rooms, and the Clifton School and in the 1890-95 era degrees were performed at neighboring lodges because of lack of space. And at the March 2, 1896 Stated Meeting a committee was appointed to confer with a like committee from the Junior United American Mechanics to study the probability of jointly building a hall for the use of the two orders but nothing appears in the records of the results.
Even request for aid from our Sister Lodge’s proved to be negative.
Acacia Lodge was never flourishing with financial assets, repeated requests for aid from other lodges were turned down and then only donations of .50 to $3.00 were passed on from collections taken from Brethren attending.
Thanks to our determined fore Brethren we could not find any clue that would make us believe that the Lodge was in jeopardy of folding with the passing of Wor. Bro. John Y. Worthington in July 1878, and Wor. Bro. George P. Wright on January 17, 1900. We had the usual amount of demits, suspensions and deaths, but the candidates kept the
Lodge pretty stable and the foremost thought at the time was finding an adequate permanent home.
At a regular Stated Communication in October 1902 a committee was appointed to study the proposal of purchasing the Makley store house that was reported to be at the corner of Main and Chapel Road.
At the January 12, 1903 Stated Meeting a committee was appointed to contact Mr. R. C. Hickey about purchasing the mill property for a lodge room. At the February 11, 1903 meeting the committee reported that the mill property could be purchased for $250 on 5-years time and by unanimous decision a committee of three, A. W. Robinson, it R. Buckley, and F. G. Mayhugh, was appointed and ordered to make arrangements to purchase same. But at the April Stated Meeting the committee could not report a satisfactory deed, so a committee was appointed consisting of Wor. Bro. S. Ellis Davis, J. W. Tanner and D. W. Buckley to solicit subscriptions in what was to be called "Joint Stock Co." to purchase the mill property and rent it to the lodge. The lodge was to pay annual interest and keep the property insured with a reliable insurance company.
At the May Stated Meeting the committee reported collection of $90 of which was accepted; D. H. Robinson $50, G. F. Anderson $20, E. S. Davis $10, S. E. Davis $10. Records are very sketchy at this point, they moved that they purchase the mill property and a committee of three be appointed to make Deed of Trust to Mr. Hickey and get the deed, they being A. W. Robinson, F. G. Mayhugh and Wor. Bro. D. W. Buckley. As there is nothing further mentioned other than $40.00 more was collected and we have to believe that this finalized the transaction and Acacia Lodge’s permanent home became a reality. At this point we can only wonder what happened to the Joint Stock Co. that was appointed to purchase the mill house and rent same for their use as no where in the records is it ever mentioned again, and when we consider the original $130.00 and time tells us that we paid $14 a year interest from the beginning of the note to 1908 when $40 was applied to the principal and it dropped to $12 until 1909 and it became $9 when we paid $50 until 1911 and $10 more on principal brought the yearly interest rate down to $6 where it remained until early 1920 when an agreement was reached with Mr. R C. Hickey to exchange lots for one more convenient on Main Street and abolish the debt of $100 still owed on the Deed of Trust. We can only assume that the difference in the original $130.00 and following payments was used for Title and Settlement fees.
We have to admire the trust that existed between Mr. R. C. Hickey and our early Brethren since the Lodge was moved to its’ present site in June 1920 at a cost of $130 and the final transaction of acquiring the Deed did not take place Until July 18, 1921 and his apparent leniency of letting the note go beyond it’s original 5 year time.
02-10-2009 added Where did we hold our meetings prior to 1903? we have no records of this, and our minutes do not state a location, they simply say "in our hall" 04-30-14 We know know were.
Jason Mitchell, a CBA member contacted Michelle Stein of the CBA who then called Bro. Brant's office, he was out of town and his secretary called me, there was a letter from Acacia Lodge dated 1904 up for auction on eBay. With only two-hours left on the auction, I placed a bid and successfully won the bid. The seller is from Oceanside, NY.
We now know where we had our meetings, and now have a 104 year old original document to prove it. "Makely's Hall"
This is a case of deja view, 104 years later we again mailed a letter to all Lodges asking for donations, but the asking price went from $400 in 1904 to $80,000 in 2008.
The letter was mailed to Smith Lodge No. 46 in Mount Solon, Va. Which is near Charlottesville, Va. And no longer exist.
Read the letter closely, there are some other interesting facts
02-11-2009 added Noticed from the Proceedings that L. and W. F. Makely were early members of the Lodge.
At the December 1903 meeting of the Grand Lodge they made changes that Grand Lodge would meet on the second Tuesday in February instead of December 1, as previously, and subordinate Lodges will elect officers on the Anniversary of St. John the Evangelist in December.
With the deed finally in our possession and the treasury badly depleted, the general feeling now became not what should we do but what can we do.
The minutes attest to the fact that peace and harmony prevailed with our Brethren as every motion for improvement was carried unanimously. With what meager funds that could be mustered, the first project undertaken was to eliminate the steps outside and move them inside, and later the main entrance was moved to the center front side of the Lodge facing Main Street, as it is today. Within the interior, platforms were built for the officers’ stations and a committee was appointed to explore the possibility of having electricity installed in the building. This was accomplished with the help of Mr. R. E. Simpson, General Manager, of the Southern Railroad.
We take time now to review our relationship with the community and find the facilities of the Lodge played an active part in community affairs. The Parent Teacher Association used it for social affairs and the Young Men’s Club of Clifton used the first floor for dances.
Our Ladies have always played an active part where possible by making curtains, aprons, serving dinners at Called or Stated Communications when the Lodge had work to perform in the Master Mason Degree and they were recognized for this when they were invited to set in after the end of a meeting when the District Deputy Grand Master would visit and join in later at dinner that was always arranged for the occasion. When Wor. Bro. Richard L. Wells was Master he specifically insisted that the ladies be included at our Social Hour after the meeting and prepare our meals. The Stewards abided by his wishes and arranged for his instruction regarding the ladies be fulfilled.
Acacia Lodge was invited to lay the cornerstones of many institutions.
On May 27, 1896, Acacia Lodge journeyed to Fairfax Court House, Virginia and held a Called Communication in the Oak Street School, and then retired to the site of the now Oak Grove Methodist Church to lay the cornerstone.
At the Stated Communication held July 30, 1906, Acacia Lodge accepted invitation from Manasseh #182 to be present at the laying of the cornerstone of their temple.
April 5, 1909 the Officers and members of Acacia Lodge do hereby cheerfully vouch for Masonic and Moral Qualifications of the petition for a Dispensation to open and hold a Lodge at Occoquan, in the county of Prince William, Virginia and recommend their petition for the favorable consideration of the Most Worshipful Grand Master. Thus Occuquan #310 became a member of District #1.
Note spelling of Occoquan above
On November 24, 1910 Acacia was called upon to lay the cornerstone of the Clifton Baptist Church and on March 12, 1912 they laid the cornerstone of the Clifton School from which many of our present Brethren attended and graduated.
December 18, 1925 at the request of Brother John Barrett of Acacia Lodge, they laid the cornerstone of a building on the Crittenden Home property that was erected to the memory of the late Kate N. Barrett.
It is with shame that we now should realize that our Brethren’s wishes have not been carried out on the original Bible which was used since the foundation of the Lodge.
January 1922, Brother John Upp presented the Lodge with a gift of a new Bible to be used on the alter. A motion was made to make a suitable case with a glass top to contain the original Bible in order to save it in memory of the many members who had taken their obligation on its scarred pages.
August 25, 1925 Wor. Bro. George E. Kidwell presented a bill for $4.00 for this case and the Bible was placed in the Archives of the Lodge. Somewhere along the path of time the case has been lost but we still have the Bible. Shouldn’t we rectify this situation and restore it where our Brethren intended it to be.
From 1923 to 1933 we were a part of the 59th District and in 1934 we became a member Lodge of the 58th District as we are today.
Hope and then despair has plagued us throughout our history. In 1926 avenues were approached for a new building, and in 1940 attempts were made to join with the town council to enter in an agreement to build a town hall with facilities for a lodge. But this idea got no farther then the committees. Although attempts were made to purchase our property.
As we are preparing to celebrate our 100th Anniversary our Brethren did the same on the 50th. December 11, 1927 the Lodge met at the Clifton Baptist Church for services and proceeded to George P. Wright Billard Hall for a Turkey supper that was prepared by a Chef that had been engaged for $100.
When Wor. John M. Detwiler became Master he recommended to change the by-laws whereas our Stated Communication would be on the second Monday of the Month which was unanimously approved and adopted.
With the economy probably at its worst of any time in our history and the country at a standstill, Acacia Lodge remained a ray of hope for some of our Brothers who looked to the Lodge for the necessities of life, the Lodge while experiencing their own problems, dwindling petitions (4 petitions from 1928-1939) and members not being able to pay their dues because the opportunity to find a job was practically nil.
In 1928 Acacia Lodge #16 joined with Henry Lodge #57 and Manasseh Lodge #182 and the George P. Wright Headstone Fund was instituted to solicit funds from members of the three lodges to purchase and place a headstone on the grave of Rt. Wor. George P. Wright, P.M. of both Henry Lodge #57 and Acacia Lodge #16 and also Honorary member of Acacia Lodge and First Master of Manasseh #182..
November 9, 1936 Henry Lodge #57 set forth a petition for a transfer from the 54th District to the 58th District and requested a letter from Acacia Lodge #16 recommending the transfer.
February 13, 1939 Rt. Wor. R. R. Buckley, father of Wor. Bro. C. R. Buckley and Rt. Wor. R. R. Buckley, Jr., who we all know as Randy, was presented with a 50-Year Pin given by the Grand Lodge. Our first member to achieve this recognition. On the same night Wor. Bro. R S. Kincheloe received the Past Masters Jewell, being the first Past Master of Acacia Lodge to be so honored.
In the year of 1932 the four Lodges, Acacia Lodge #16, Manasseh #182, Haymarket #313, and Herndon #264 that comprised the 59th District agreed to share the expense of purchasing a District Banner that would stay in the home Lodge of the District Deputy Grand Master during his year and at a Stated Communication on June 13, 1932 a motion was made and seconded and carried to pay the bill of $6.15 for Acacia Lodge, ¼ share toward the Banner.
In 1934 when we became a member of the 58 Masonic District you can see where the 59 was taken off and 58 added. Then in 1936 when Henry #57 became a member lodge of the 58th District they were added to the Banner.
Most Worshipful Walter Albert Porter, Grand Master of Masons in Virginia, paid an official visit to Acacia Lodge on September 30, 1960. He was received with honors at a Called Communication at the Clifton Volunteer Fire Hall Auditorium. This location was selected by the Worshipful Master because of the small seating capacity of our Lodge Room. Thus, 83 years after the lodge received its Charter, Acacia Lodge was honored by being the host lodge for a Grand visitation.
In 1975 on the 18th day of October, Dr. Seymour David Levy, Grand Master of Masons in Virginia stepped through the doors into our Lodge Room. This was the first time for a Grand Master to view the room and its furnishings. He was accompanied by the Grand Marshall and the District Deputy Grand Master, for the 58th Masonic District, Rt. Worshipful John E. Frederick, Sr. Past Master and Secretary of Acacia Lodge, and was greeted by Worshipful Master, Richard L. Wells; Senior Warden, Roy E. Campbell; and Junior Warden, Mynor F. McIntyre. Then the Brethren sat down and enjoyed cake and coffee prepared for the occasion by our lovely and devoted ladies.
At the Stated Communication on March 17, 1924 Rt. Wor. A. J. Kidwell presented the Lodge with a piece of his handy work in iron, figuratively representing his life long occupation as a blacksmith, in the form of a large horseshoe with the Masonic Emblems arranged therein.
The third and present Bible was presented together with an altar cloth and pedestal cover to Acacia Lodge #16 by the following brethren; Rt. Wor. Richard R. Buckley, Wor. John M. Ramey and Wor. Francis W. Parker, Reverend Bro. Robert D. Bayman dedicated this Bible with appropriate ceremony at our Stated Communication on March 12, 1956.
At a Called Communication on February 22, 1962 Rt. Wor. Charles A. Sinclair presented to Acacia Lodge #16 through Wor. Bro. John North a memorial to the memory of Wor. Bro. Thomas 0. Clore our late and beloved brother. The memorial is a set of Jewels to be used by the Senior Deacon in receiving candidates.
Rt. Wor. Bro. Sinclair expressed his hope that all Brothers passing through the West Gate will feel "Tommy’s" presence.
The letter G above the Altar was presented to the Lodge at the April 14, 1958 Stated Communication by Wor. Doneghy and Wor. John North.
September 28, 1958 Wor. Thomas 0. Clore presented Wor. Francis W. Parker with a Wor. Master’s Pin of which has been passed on to every Master to this day.
Past records do not indicate where our Officer’s Jewels were obtained but we do know that our present Square and Compass was presented by Wor. Bro. Gary K. Stout on March 8, 1971.. In 1972 covers for the officer’s stations were presented by Wor. and Mrs. Oakley C. Wolfe as in 1975 our present Altar Lights.
Through the assistance of Wor. Archie P. Lyons in 1972 we received our flag which had flown over the Capitol.
Modernization of our lower hail can be attributed to efforts of many, without intending to omit any brother whose hours of long toil contributed to achieve this we should mention that Rt. Wor. R. R. Buckley, Jr., Wor. Harold Artz, Wor. Herbert Martin, Rt. Wor. John Frederick and Wor. Oakley C. Wolfe contributed much of the leadership and materials to reach our present appearance. In 1975 Wor. R. L. Wells was able to finish the floor and have the interior and outside painted. Yes, Acacia Lodge has come a long way in one hundred years.
The minutes tell us that on September 20,1920 first attempts were made to interest the ladies, that is Mason wives, daughters and sisters in forming an Eastern Star Lodge in Clifton, and at the Stated Communication December 20, 1920 a communication from Dr. E. A. Drun, Grand Patron O.E.S. was read which contained a petition for dispensation to establish a chapter at Clifton. Motion was made and seconded to secure as many signatures as possible, and all members to solicit all eligible members. Nothing further is mentioned until October 2, 1922 when a committee was appointed to meet with the O.E.S. to use the hail and provide the keys. Throughout their existence O.E.S. Chapter 67 was able to use our facilities and held joint picnics and dinners together. Nothing else is mentioned after 1932, but communications with former members explain that the charter was returned and the members affiliated with the Manassas chapter.
Acacia Lodge #16 can take pride and look on with honor that although in our 100 years we have only presented thirteen DDGM’s they have proficiently cor~ducted themselves in the highest Masonic tradition.
Without disrespect to present or past brothers, we feel that mention should be made to the fact that throughout our existence the one brother who attended and supported the Lodge with his presence and actual participation for 43 years was the longest period of contribution by any member Wor. Master three times, held every office in the Lodge and would no doubt have continued longer had he not retired and moved to Florida. He being Wor. Bro. John M. Detwiler our oldest living member, oldest Past Master, Fifty year and Honorary member.
Wor. John M. Detwiler confirmed what records did not reveal when he explained that the Tyler’s Sword belonged to Rt. Wor. George P. Wright and he presented it to the lodge for the purpose that it is used.
In concluding we can rightfully say that Acacia Lodge #16 was originated by Rt. Wor. John Y. Worthington and Rt. Wor. George P. Wright; but had it not been for men like Rt. Wor. A. J. Kidwell; Rt. Wor. James U. Kincheloe; Wor. D. W. Buckley; Rt. Wor. Robert R.
Buckley; Rt. Wor. Richard R. Buckley; Rt. Wor. E. G. Taylor; Wor. john M. Detwiler; Rt. Wor. Robert W. Darr; Rt. Wor. James W. Maley and to the present Rt. Wor. John E. Frederick Sr. having provided the backbone and leadership we might not have made our 100 year’s of existence.
Acacia Masonic Temple
The information from the book was added November 2000. In 1977 a paperback book was published for our 100 year anniversary. I have taken this book and used a scanner and OCR software to get the information on to this web page. PLEASE report any spelling or typos errors to William@Baumbach.com
2004 Worshipful Master Luis Pages summery of his year as Master, Includes a sort biography and Acacia accomplishments during his year here

12-30-2005 Note to myself: Grand Lodge shows in 1908 James W. Kincheloe was both SW and Chaplin. In 1909 WM was James ?? Kincheloe and James W. Kincheloe as Chaplin
Acacia Lodge is a Historical Landmark, listed with the United States Department of Interior National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places, sine 1985 file # 29-225-58.
03-16-2006 From: lghassoc@erols.com Lynne Garvey Wark, Chair, Clifton History Commission & Commissioner, Fairfax County History Commission. William - I so appreciate your letting us know the status of your historic building. It is listed as #58 (out of 63 - now 62 locations) in the town's inventory of historic places submitted to the Department of Interior in 1985 & is described as "Acacia Lodge, c. 1900. Simple two story structure. Originally a mill, it was moved about 1930 from area where barn is now. Contributes to the visual diversity and historic atmosphere of the town." This being the case please note there are a number of things you can do to preserve it. Selling it is certainly an option, and with that sale should be an understanding that the building should not be razed, but restored. My strong appeal at this time is to do whatever can be done to restore and repair this significant structure in our historic town - we have just suffered the demise of one of our most significant structures, because folks were not as communicative or concerned as you. There is ALWAYS the possibility of a history buff willing to move and re-store, but leaving this property in situ makes most sense since this is a historic town.
08-02-2006 Bro. Doug Detwiler on May 26th 1942 attended a meeting that was held at Acacia that founded the Clifton Volunteer Fire Department 08-24-06 added proof is here
NOTE: "#16" Clifton Fire Department Station No. 16 Acacia Lodge No. 16
From: DETWILER, Douglas [mailto:DDETWILER@G-and-O.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 1:52 PM
To: William@Baumbach.com
Subject: RE: (Acacia #16) Old Picture of Acacia and Fire Department Info
Bro. Bill,
I attended that meeting. That was during WW II and the only males left at home were the very young, the 4-F's & the very old. Therefore the very young did a lot of things that the young men normally did before they went to war. As a result of this condition I was driving a fire truck at the young age of 13.
Bro. Doug
MEMBERSHIP: at the end of 2003 membership stood at 90. 2004 we had 3 new and 9 by affiliation for a total of 101 members. 2005 District #4 had a one-day class held at Henry Lodge No. 57 on August 27th October in which Acacia brought in 16 new members, the first line signer on most of the petitions was James G. Kincheloe Jr. the start of 2006 total members stands at 116
BUILDING: about 1996 the water heater was replaced Central Air-Conditioning was added to the existing furnace, this allowed for the several windows units to be removed. In 1999 the oil-fired furnace was replaced. The dinning hall was remodeled and dedicated on April 1, 1999 to Tomas Elbert Hatcher "in recognition of and gratitude for his many years of service teaching and building new Masons" and was named Hatcher Hall.
On April 4th 2006 the Grandmaster of Virginia Most Worshipful Glover Hunter Jones, III made an un-official visit to Acacia at the request of the Building Committee, this is only the second time in the Lodges history a Grandmaster as been in our Lodge the last time was 31 years years ago on October 18th 1975.
At the May 4th 2006 stated meeting the Building Committee presented a report on the Lodge building detailing how the building is in need of a new foundation and other major repairs and improvements whereas the total costs had been estimated not to be less then $200,000.00. The members present voted and passed a motion to spend up to $3,000.00 to hirer a professional to investigate the exact type and cost of a new foundation.
Also at the May 2006 meeting a proposal was presented to the Lodge members on the behalf of the Clifton Betterment Association to purchase the building and land from us and would include the right for Acacia Lodge No. 16 use of the building in perpetuity, the Clifton Betterment Association would pay for all expenses to repair, improve and maintain the building. The Building Committee has been charged with the duty to investigate this offer and report back to the Lodge.
June 26th 2006 Popes Creek in the town of Clifton, Va. over-flowed its banks and Acacia Lodge No. 16 was in it's path, as the water level rose to 17 inches outside on the North end, Acacia did all she could to keep the water out but she could not withstand the non-stop force of the flowing raising creek water.
Inside the water level raised to 5.5 inches at the North end and 4.5 inches on the South East corner.
The water has since receded, leaving in its wake a lot of damage and the Lodge now sits over a swimming pool of water, the two-foot crawlspace is full of muddy creek water.
The floors will need to be replaced; mold, mildew, other water damage, cleaning up of mud, etc. all of this will all need to be addressed.
Within a few days after the flooding with the help of Acacia brethren and brethren from lodge's Henry Lodge No 57, Haymarket Lodge No. 313. We have torn out the damaged water soaked paneling on the walls and two different levels of flooring added on top of the original floor over the past many years. The lower level of the Lodge is now gutted or striped down the original surface back when it was a working Mill in the 1800's
November 11, 2006. The Grand Master of Maryland presented to the Grand Lodge of Virginia the Acacia Lodge No. 16 dues card dated 1912 found on the body of Oscar Scott Woody who was one of Titanic's postal clerks and died when it sank on April 15, 1912, it was immediately taken to the GL of VA Museum and put in a safe place.
Pictures of the Grand Master of Maryland making the presentation to the Grand Lodge of Virginia
Picture-1 Picture-2 Picture-3
It took over 96 years for the Dues Card to find its way back home to Virginia.
In 1912 Clifton, Va. was called Clifton Station, Va. Oscar Scott Woody lived in Clifton were he owned a house.
"I urged them to leave their work. They shook their heads and continued at their work. It might have been an inrush of water later that cut off their escape, or it may have been the explosion. I saw them no more."
Albert Theissinger
Steward aboard R.M.S. Titanic and survivor
Oscar Scott Woody was happily celebrating the approach of his 44th birthday at the stern of the ship with his colleagues when it struck the iceberg. Woody died on his birthday. A native of Roxboro, North Carolina, Woody was ordered to travel to Europe aboard S.S. Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, that sailed from New York on April 2. Upon arriving in Plymouth, Woody was instructed to make his way to Southampton. From there, Edwin Sands, Assistant Superintendent of Foreign Mails, ordered him to “return to New York as a clerk in the sea post office on the S.S. Titanic, sailing from Southampton, on April 10th.”
His body was recovered (#167) and buried at sea because of the poor state of his corpse.
It seems that the heroism of one of Titanic's postal clerks has been a source of inspiration for the governing officials of North Carolina. Oscar Scott Woody was a native of Roxboro, North Carolina. He had been a postal clerk on trains between Greensboro, NC and Washington, D.C. prior to joining the crew of the R.M.S. Titanic at the age of 44. On that fateful night of April 14, Woody and four other postal clerks were among the first to suffer from the impact with the iceberg. These men refused to leave their post and struggled to save the mail in their charge. All five men perished in the line of duty. In November of 2003, Governor Mike Easley declared "Oscar Scott Woody Day." In addition, the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences released a commemorative envelope with a cancellation stamp honoring Woody. Raleigh Democratic Congressman Brad Miller introduced a bill in the N.C. congress to give Woody a post office. All members of the congressional delegation have signed the bill. In a statement, the congressman said, "I believe recognition of Oscar Scott Woody's heroic efforts is long overdue. This legislation named the Roxboro Post Office in honor of a native son who gave his life upholding his duties to the U.S. Postal Service."
Governor Mike Easley proclaimed November 24, 2003 as 'Oscar Scott Woody Day' in North Carolina. In addition, the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences released a commemorative envelope with a cancellation stamp honoring Woody.
It is not known exactly by whom, why or how the dues card was original given to the Grand Lodge of Maryland
April 7, 2009 by unanimous vote the Mayor Tom Peterson and the Town Council of Clifton Virginia approved a proclamation that declares April 15 "Oscar Scott Woody Day" in the Town of Clifton Virginia.
More information about Brother Oscar Scott Woody is at www.OscarScottWoody.com
06-30-2007 adding old historic pictures to here
Note: Acacia Lodge No. 16 was the first building in the Town of Clifton to have electricity, it was tapped into from power lines on the railroad tracks. Three sets of old power line connections are on the outside of the building, the oldest on the right side closest to the railroad tracks, the other two are on the left side, one in use today. Also, so we could heat the Lodge a train also use to stop on our meeting nights and provide us with all the coal we needed free of charge.
To elaborate on this statement in the 100 year book above "Lodge was moved to its’ present site in June 1920 at a cost of $130" Its original location that was several hundred feet further to the east and was moved by a team of Horses and or Mules by rolling it on logs. And was Originally a Saw Mill
07-17-2007 Grand Lodge was asked who the first Master was and if their records showed where we met prior to 1920's and what Lodge petitioned Grand Lodge to start Acacia, the answer's are....
The facts you requested verifying about Acacia Lodge No. 16 were researched by the library.
The only Lodge on the petition is Manasseh Lodge No. 182.
John Y. Worthington on the petition is considered the first Master. Wording on the petition calls him first Master of the Lodge.
Description of location and address on Lodge returns and in the proceedings is general. No specific building or street are named.
Suggest checking the treasurer's records for rent, tax or real estate receipts, also check the real estate records for the area, newspapers for meeting notices, old Trestleboard's, old town directories, materials the historical society has on the Lodge, and see what Fairfax County Library has in the Virginia Room about the Lodge, etc.
I will continue to check the DDGM reports in the Proceedings to see if a specific place is mentioned. So far no location has been given.
Where did we hold our meetings prior to 1903
February 11, 2009
We have no records of this, and our minutes do not state a location, they simply say "in our hall"
Michelle Stein of the CBA called Bro. Brant's office, he was out of town and his secretary called me, there was a letter from Acacia Lodge dated 1904 up for auction on eBay. With only two-hours left on the auction, I placed a bid and successfully won the bid.. The seller is from Oceanside, NY.
We now know where we had our meetings, and now have a 104 year old original document to prove it. "Makely's Hall"
This is a case of deja view, 104 years later we again mailed a letter to all Lodges asking for donations, but the asking price went from $400 in 1904 to $80,000 in 2008.
The attached letter was mailed to Smith Lodge No. 46 in Mount Solon, Va. Which is near Charlottesville, Va. And no longer exist. Read the letter closely, there are some other interesting facts The date coincides with known facts from 1903 and the purchase of our building
"""At a regular Stated Communication in October 1902 a committee was appointed to study the proposal of purchasing the Makley store house that was reported to be at the corner of Main and Chapel Road."""
"""At the January 12, 1903 Stated Meeting a committee was appointed to contact Mr. R. C. Hickey about purchasing the mill property for a lodge room."""
It cost us $130 to move the Lodge in 1920, and in 2008 it cost $22,000, I guess the horses and mules worked for hay. :-)

07-18-07 Fairfax County Water replaced the water meter so we will now get billed for sewer based on our actual usage instead of a fixed rate, there is a remote sensor mounted outside so the meter reading can be taken from outside, saving us over $350 per year.
Acacia's motto, "The Greatest Little Lodge in the Commonwealth of Virginia" was created by 2005 Past Master Worshipful, George "Dick" R. May
08-03-07 Masonic road sign was placed on the side of Clifton Rd as you enter the town of Clifton from Centreville. It is 18" in diameter with an auxiliary plate under it that reads "ACACIA LODGE No. 16 1ST THURSDAY" This is the first time ever that I am aware that such a sign has been placed.
11-12-07 From Lynne Garvey-Wark Folks – I think you will enjoy the following – it will be printed in the next “Clifton Clatter’ – but thought you might want an advance & electronic copy for your records. Enjoy! As I have been conducting research on Clifton’s history for the pictorial history book on Clifton that I am writing, I came across this article found in the Virginia Room from the December 2, 1904 weekly Fairfax Herald. You will recognize many of the names in this article, as they are contained not only on the town’s historic plaques, but also in our book, “Brigadoon”. read the 1904 article here
11-12-07 Masonic Calendar, why Masons use the A.L. and A.D. dates.
ANNO LUCIS: (A.L.) Latin meaning "In the Year of Light" the date used by Ancient Craft Masonry. (Add 4000 to the current date.)
Here are some sites that explain it.
09-17-08 The Acacia Lodge building weights 48 tons.
2025 An elevator was installed.
copyright (c) Acacia Lodge No. 16. All rights reserved.